Keynote Speakers of MICAD 2024
Prof. Laurent Cohen
IEEE Fellow
Universite Paris Dauphine, France
Laurent David Cohen was born in 1962. He was student at the Ecole Normale Superieure , rue d'Ulm in Paris, France from 1981 to 1985. He received the Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics from University of Paris 6, France, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. He got the Habilitation à diriger des Recherches from University Paris 9 Dauphine in 1995.
He obtained in 1990 a position of Research Scholar (Charge then Directeur de Recherche 1st class) with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in the Applied Mathematics and Image Processing group at CEREMADE, Universite Paris Dauphine, Paris, France. His research interests and teaching at university are applications of Partial Differential Equations and variational methods to Image Processing and Computer Vision, like deformable models, minimal paths, geodesic curves, surface reconstruction, Image segmentation, registration and restoration.
For many years, he has been editorial member of the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Medical Image Analysis and Machine Vision and Applications.
He was also member of the program committee for about 50 international conferences. He authored about 300 publications in international Journals and conferences or book chapters, and 6 patents.
In 2002, he got the CS 2002 prize for Signal and Image Processing. In 2006, he got the Taylor & Francis Prize:
"2006 prize for Outstanding innovation in computer methods in biomechanics & biomedical engineering."
He was 2009 laureate of Grand Prix EADS de l'Academie des Sciences
He was promoted IEEE Fellow 2010 for contributions to computer vision technology for medical imaging
Prof. Gustavo Carneiro
University of Surrey, UK
Professor of AI and Machine Learning
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP)
Gustavo Carneiro is a Professor of AI and Machine Learning at the University of Surrey, UK. Before that, from 2019 to 2022, he was a Professor at the School of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide, an ARC Future Fellow, and the Director of Medical Machine Learning at the Australian Institute of Machine Learning. He joined the University of Adelaide as a senior lecturer in 2011, has become an associate professor in 2015 and a professor in 2019. In 2014 and 2019, he joined the Technical University of Munich as a visiting professor and a Humboldt fellow. From 2008 to 2011 Dr. Carneiro was a Marie Curie IIF fellow and a visiting assistant professor at the Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon, Portugal) within the Carnegie Mellon University-Portugal program (CMU-Portugal). From 2006 to 2008, Dr. Carneiro was a research scientist at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, USA. In 2005, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia and at the University of California San Diego. Dr. Carneiro received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Toronto in 2004. Prof. Gustavo Carneiro has a wide-range of research interests. He is interested in applied research in medical image analysis and computer vision to theoretical research in machine learning.
Prof. James C. Gee
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Director, Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory
Prof. Gee is the of Director, Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. He is the Co-Director of the Translational Biomedical Imaging Center at the Institute of Translational Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the Director of the Interfaces Program in Biomedical Imaging and Informational Sciences at UPenn. Dr. Gee's major area of interest is biomedical image analysis and computing, with active research in all of the quantitative methods represented, including segmentation, registration, morphometry and shape statistics, as applied to a variety of organ systems and all of the major and emerging modalities in biological/biomaterials imaging and in vivo medical imaging.
Prof. Xiaoyi Jiang
University of Münster, Germany
Head of Group
Xiaoyi Jiang studied Computer Science at Peking University, China, and received his PhD and Venia Docendi (Habilitation) degree from University of Bern, Switzerland. He was associate professor at Technical University of Berlin and since 2002 full Professor at University of Münster, Germany. Currently, he is the dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Münster. He is a PI and research area leader of the Cluster of Excellence “Cells in Motion – Imaging to understand cellular behaviour in organisms” established by the German Research Foundation DFG in 2013. He is Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, he also serves on the Advisory Board and Editorial Board of several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, International Journal of Neural Systems, Pattern Analysis and Applications, and Pattern Recognition. His research interests include biomedical imaging, 3D image analysis, and structural pattern recognition. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Fellow of IAPR.